Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Salam, got inspired from the conversation with the algerian that selling Shawarma at my hostel, I'm starting to write my story in English. Maybe there are a lot people that do not know, blog is one of the way that you can practise your writing from a beginner to the successful one. Maybe one day *big dream* That is not my point for today, today i would like to share my story about..emm..until now I do not know what is the suitable title for this entry. Yesterday, my beloved 'mek yah' sent to me a message that she need something to wake her up means she was down at that time, yes! of course, me, as her friend give a little advise not much just only about two point in little short private whatsapp then, today! only a few hour, I got what I give! emm, Allah give me chance to feel what she felt by putting me in a difference situation but in a same point!It is about 'Ikhlas'. When you are sincere in you study, you will never ever feel neglect or loss and maybe sometime down. I'm a normal slave for Him, I also feel what the others feel, we are same! so, today, I get it! I know that what you say to others, He will challenge you in different situation but with a same  from what you say and also I know that when you are ikhlas in your effort even a little effort that maybe there is no one will realise it, but Allah appreciate it! so, in seeking knowlegde there is no word for 'give up' just move forward you will get what you have seaching for. If it is not today but maybe tomorrow. The important is try, try and try. In your effort there is reward from Allah everytime, but remember to put Ikhlas at the first of your step.. Dear, I am writing this for myself too as I am just like you. :)

Saturday, 29 August 2015

No one knows

Today, I'm starting to write something that maybe will give some benefit to others, not only me. okey! assalamualaikum blog, maybe my story just same story to others but to me, it's has the meaning that maybe different to other (my own prediction). A few days later, about 4 to 5 days later, i was sicked! emm, maybe to others, it just sick. nope! to me, its different. From that day, I'm asking for Allah to solve my problem, I'm begging! I'm cying ! I did it! but it even more and more. non-stop! and i'm just think that it will never end. oo Allah, I need you , really need you and I realise that no one knows what I felt than Him. Yes! I fell in love to my Creator now and ever. never come to it end. On that time, no one know how craving I'm, no one either can be with me for all the time, no one can help me. and I... really need someone to be with me, help me to disappear the sickness from me. When it came to it's end , no one knows how grateful I'm, asking and asking non-stop.. ya Allah, when He granted me to be like others, I'm just thinking that , how Amazing He is. Alhamdulillah! Today, I'm breathing with FOC air, I'm breathing, smilling, laughing just like other just because of Him. yup! no one knows how the others feel except Him. Just Yourself and Him Know it. :)


Sunday, 5 July 2015

sebab yang menjadi penyebab :))

salam belog, okey! maybe malam ini, ima takde mood nak mengarang in english. so, jom! martabatkan bahasa ibunda. Mulanya.. aku dah lama tak menaip-menaip ni. so! malam ni excited plak nak updated blog! tentang ramadhan :) mula satu ramdhan, acciikkk!!! dumm!! okey fine! pelanggaran yang tidak menghasilkn momentum yang terlampau kuat, tapi,, terbang gak la tudung budak sekolah yang acik langgar. Adush!! mulanya aku rase aku yang menggeletar, rupenya bila perhatikan tangan budak2 sekolah tu, okey! depo lagi2 mengeletar.. ya Allah, sooo soo soorry dek. ya Allah, pity of them! really damn much! :'( tapi, tu bukan point cite entry kali ni, kali ni aku nak share ceghita pasai ramadhan. sume ni nikmat Allah. yup! Tahun ni terpilih lagi. okey! Great thanks to Allah. Alhamdulillahhhhh.. :) tahun ni, cara sambut Ramadhan lebih dari biasa. mungkin jugak luar biasa. kebiasaan, sambut Ramadhan dengan beramal kat rumah then malam pi jalan k masjid. Tapi, tahun ni ada laen dia, dari pagi ke masjid. Mula cam pelik.. tapi banyak aku jumpa. Niat awal nya just nak teman bonda tercinta. okey umi! ima nak jd PA paling setia dengan umi..kikiki, tapi, PA kali ni dapat macam2, bermacam2.. seriuss! macam2.. pagi hari, dari satu masjid ke satu masjid pi kunjung. B.E.S.T. Alhamdulillah. Aku jumpa banyak ragam manusia, aku jumpa banyak ilmu baru, aku jumpa yang maksud syukur, aku jumpa yang firman Allah sangat betol dan benar tanpa salah walaupun sedikit bahawa manusia memang kurang bersyukur! nope! aku tak maksudkan manusia diluar, tapi aku maksudkan tangan yang sedang menaip. Allah berfirman dengan penuh kasihNya dalam surah al-Mukminum:78 (...قليلا ما تشكرون). Ya! manusia memang kurang bersyukur. Memang aku sangat bersyukur sebab? Aku sedar yang doa aku sedang didengari cumenya, ada doa yang masih belum sampai masanya untuk dikabulkan. so? aku nak buat apa? aku nak buat macam mane? jawapan nya senang.. SABAR! with a big smile :)) memang factnya, kalau ada ap2 yang berlaku, whateva la benda tu besar ke kecil, once aq down memang aku jenis tak suke perkataan sabar, at least, tukar perkataan sabar dengan rilek la, chill la sebabnya memang masa tu aku memang tengah bersabar..haha..even perkataan maksud yang sama, tapi dia betol2 change mood aku 360 darjah. seriusly! okey dah! untuk Ramadhan kali ni, aku rasa umi banyak berubah. aku rasa aku boleh habiskan masa yang ada dengan untuk apa sume tu? tuk dapat Redha mereka. Redha umi dan Redha abah..untuk apa? sebab dengan redha mereka aku dapat redha Allah. so?? sedar tak betapa besarnya redha kedua insan bernama ibu dan bapa. *sob3 sebab?? matlamat hidup ni nak capai redha Allah dengan melalui jalan redha umi dan abah. so? hidup ni penuh dengan sebab.. sebab apa hidup ni ada banyak sebab? sebab manusia suka bertanya, suka mencari sebab untuk sesuatu kejadian ataupun perkara, same goes to me, aku insan yang bergelar hamba Allah mencari banyak sebab sesuatu kejadian tu berlaku. untuk apa aku mencari sebab? untuk mencari HIKMAH disebalik UJIAN.