(gambaq raye xmsuk ag )
Sunday, 27 July 2014
semanis conflakes madu~
assalamualaikum..ttbe je tajuk conflakes..entah! xde idea la nk letak tajuk tuk entry kali ni.. actually nak cite pasal hari raye!! tp tajuk cam common sangat 'hari raya' so, letak je conflakes sbb i'm eating my conflakes even alone..still happy ok! hahaa..(abehbhasaenglishrosak) dah la! cite tuk raya kali ni..emm,nothing interesting! as usual.. bila bukak fb tgk gmbr raye kawan2,terdetik, best nya depa ni..astagfirullah.. xbaik2..alhmdulilh..bole rasa laggi nikmat syawal tahun ni pun dh bersyukur sangat dh.. just hati terdetik lagi,,apa yang Allah bg adalah terbaik tuk hidup ni, klu sekrg ase sedih or whateva tp ingt! Allah maha adil, Allah xkan bg hamba Dya sedih..selain Allah taw ada yang mngembirakan bakal datang. bape ari lepas kitrg satu family pi KL nk pi jemput akak kami yang sulong bersalin,, susah senng kitrg ikhtiar bersama2 je, kdg2 Allah hadirkan insan sekeliling untuk menyenangkan kami, Allahmdulilh :) cite dy bermula bila subuh, umi dpt call..ecece..dh macm tulis novel la..hahaha..bila akak kami kol, apa ag, trus bertolak dari Kelantan k KL, of coz happy bukan main lagi..bila dh sampai tu, kedatangan kami menyedihkan..acece..ayat~ tp memang btol pun bila dh terover excited, terlupa plak yang bukan waktu melawat kitrg dtg, abeh cara nk cuba lolos kan diri dari guard2 tu,,kikiki..tp apakan daya, bukan org berpangkat,berharta,berjawatan besar, rayuan ditolak! then dah empat hari kat KL tu akak kami dibenarkan keluar, ok fine! actually ktrg xready ag tuk persiapan nk sambut baby kat umah..on the way balik kelantan, jalan jammed! ya Allah!! mmg la kan, kat atas kereta tu selama 15 jam 23 minit.. fuhhhh!!! yang dri 8 jam ttbe sampai 15 jam.. dah jauh terpesong dh..nk cite hari raya,,tp cite laen plak yang ditype nya..hahaha..pasai hari raya..bgn pg, iron2 bju, kemas2 brg untuk sambut depa ni balik smbyg raya then bila bailk,,riuhh satu rumah..haha..alhmdulilh,,,then ambik2 gambr then pi jalan2,, depo ni pi jalan cheq??updated blog,, hehe..xleh pi :'(
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Assalamualaikum...here we start!! getting inspire from apistakkesah blog to write my entry today in English! yesss!! of course, im not really good in English but why not,, as apistakkesah said that "big things always start with small things ". For today , I'm in 23rd Ramadhan . ALHAMDULILLAH ! really big thank to Allah give my a really big chance to feel the BARAKAH in this month. This year is more difference from the other years. I'm celebrating Ramadhan at home. *bigsmile. Alhamdulillah :)) my routine was really that simple, wake up from my sweet dream , become a cleaner for a while then spent my whole free time with Al-quran, make me feel so calm , happy of course! and feel that Allah is near to me . What a big present to me ! and the most deadly time was when there is near to Ifthor. Because that time our du'a is accepted! as mention in surah albaqarah : verse 186 . I fell goooddd,,really good.. maybe this is my last Ramadhan but Allah if can I really want that this month never come to it end! :'(
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